The value of a real estate agent to anyone who’s looking to buy a new home goes well beyond simply finding and introducing them to owners and properties, and sharing their market savvy. A realtor who’s able to provide even more value to a prospective buyer stands to much more firmly establish themselves as an expert who’s worthy of repeat business should that be a possibility in the future.
Heze at Real Estate Leads, our online real estate lead generation system in Canada has been very well received by realtors who are keen to have every advantage possible when it comes to expanding the scope of their business. Leads are opportunities, and once an opportunity is converted into a client then you have the further chance to impress these people with your willingness to share valuable knowledge and insights to make their new home more livable, valuable, and more.
So today we’ll discuss 7 ‘green’ home upgrades that you can suggest to new homebuyers that they can implement in their new home for savings and being eco-responsible. Both of which are good aims!
Install Energy Saving Appliances
Some will be surprised to learn that appliances account for 15% of a home’s energy consumption, but for most homes that’s entirely true. Choosing to install power-saving appliances can make a big difference to an electricity bill every month. It’s recommended that you replace older models with ‘greener’ appliance that have been independently determined to save energy. The easiest way to know that? Look for appliances with the ‘Energy Star’ certification sticker proudly displayed on them.
This applies to washers, dryers, dishwashers, stoves, and fridges and arranging to install all of them – however expensive that may be – will actually save your clients money in the long-term and give them the peace of mind knowing they’re responsible consumers.
Go For a New HVAC system
Replacing a home’s entire heating, air conditioning, and ventilation, (HVAC) system is no small expense, but every expert out there will assure you it’s well worth it. That’s in large part because heating and cooling accounts for nearly 50% of a home’s energy costs. A radiant floor heating system is a great choice, not only for the efficiency and comfort considerations but also because it will greatly reduce your home’s environmental impact.
As a rule, any HVAC system that is more than 12 years old will need a revamp servicing. If that’t the scenario in the home, it’s best to replace it entirely and get one that’s much more efficient and environmentally friendly.
Make Windows a Heat Saver
Installing double-pane or triple-pane windows goes a long way to preventing heat loss and improving home heating and cooling efficiency. If you live anywhere east of the BC Lower Mainland all the way to St. John’s, you know how important it is to be able to temperature regulate a home.
If the building report suggests the windows are in need of replacement, advise your clients to go with high-quality multiple pane windows that are proven energy savers
Go Green with Insulation
Insulation isn’t a primary consideration for many homeowners, but it’s equally important as all others when it comes to cost-effective temperature regulation in the home. Again, refer to the building inspection reports and then if need be you can suggest your clients seal their attic, windows, and doors with new-technology green insulation to prevent air leaks that reduce heat or cool air loss. They’ll save energy and money, and of course they’ll be thankful you made the suggestion.
There are plenty of recycled and natural insulation materials on the market, and they’re definitely the best choice for eco-friendly homeowners.
Employ the Sun
Solar power deserves all of the accolades its receiving these days, and putting the sun to work powering a home is entirely doable these days! Solar powered home products are becoming more common and more affordable these days. Speak with a building professional or inspector to see if there are any technologies your clients could realistically and affordably incorporate into their new home.
It will reduce their energy bill, reduce their home’s ‘footprint’, and make the home more attractive for eco-minded buyers in the future.
Rethink Water Heaters
Tankless water heaters are all the rage these days for new homes, and for good reason. They save space, and dispense hot water on demand. This means no energy is wasted in maintaining the temperature of stored water – which is certainly not the case with the standard hot water tanks in most homes.
They reduce heating bills in a BIG way and as such they should be very warmly received by your clients and will again make you to be a realtor who’s really in the know regarding this stuff.
Consider a Living Wall
A what, you say? A living wall is a green feature that’s incorporated into homes with greater frequency these days. It’s when an interior wall is converted into a vertical indoor garden. They’re unique, attractive, and also an environmental upgrader! This is because the plants serve to purify the air in the home and regulate indoor humidity. Add the fact you can grow some of your own produce in them as well and they’re especially easy to like.
The plants are contained in integrated soil pots and water troughs, and they really do enhance air circulation and purity.
Who knew a realtor could be so in-the-know regarding green home technologies?
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