8 Methods to Attract more Buyers to your Listings

Published November 2, 2015 by Real Estate Leads

Stately Single FamilyThe goal of every listing is to make ever listing as perfect and as as attractive as possible. It seems that sometimes that even when it all seems just right, it still doesn’t get the attention you anticipated for it?

It could have been the most charming property in the neighborhood, but still the listing didn’t turn up roses as expected. Maybe the property eventually sold for a good price too, but it just never quite received the initial attraction that you thought it would have. Often times it isn’t the property, but it is the listing. Some agents do produce poor looking online listings; making the house look worse than it actually is.

We put together a list of tips to consider for your listings; without additional advertising expenses.

1. Photos are Worth a Thousand Words
As people focus on what catches their eye when browsing listings, professional photos of the property are a must. If you are unable to snap sharp-looking, high-quality pictures, then it is worth it to hire a professional photographer. Maybe pick a day that has a pretty sunset, rainy/dreary days will just take away from the photo. Make sure all the lights are on, to make the place look more lively. If you take these tips, your photos will look amazing in comparison to competitive listings.

2. Focus on Selling Points
The selling points are used to ‘hook-in’ prospects. Focus on highlighting the unique & desirable features and save the typical aspects until later on in the description text.

3. Keeping it Clean & Simple
People like clean & simple. A cluttered house will only scare away buyers. Clean and simple interior photos are much more inviting than busy looking ones; which provoke disturbing feelings.

4. The value of Staging
Staging helps buyers visualize and see how space in the house can be used up. A staged home makes prospects feel more ‘at home’, compared to simple empty rooms.

5. Location details
Highlight the location of the property. Publishing ‘just minutes from the beach’, if it is a half hour drive – is a bad idea. When people look it up on google maps, they will feel deceived and disappointed and will resume their search.

Focus on what the property is actually close to, and point those conveniences out. If the property is in the middle of nowhere, then that is what the selling point should be based on; as for some people, those kind of properties are attractive in their own right.

6. Using the Keywords
Selecting the right keywords for use in your text, especially the title, will boost the chances that the property will be found by the right buyers. Choosing compelling working will trigger imaginations and emotions from prospective buyers. Utilize these words throughout your text, but try to place them more in the beginning to catch their interest early.

7. Honesty is usually the best policy
Do your best to be honest about your listings. Sell it as fast as possible for the highest possible price is the name of the game, but avoid inserting any bogus claims. If the backyard is small, don’t call it huge just because the wide-angle photo you took makes it seem so. If the kitchen is deteriorating, don’t write that it is beautiful.

When you take time out to see a property in person, they are expecting to see what’s described in the listing. If they are shocked, they simply won’t trust your next property recommendation.

8. Spice it Up
Spice up your writing a little but don’t try to overdo it with controversial humor or statements that may offend some people. Stay professional at all times.

If you utilize these tips when applicable, you will see an increase in buyers who are bookmarking your listings, and calling you!