It is not like Quebec is the only example where a certain region of a country has its own language and culture, but it is probably fair to say it’s the largest one and the one where that culture and language is so wholly distinctive from that which surrounds it. The size of the Province is a factor too, with many cities and towns that are 100% more Francophone than the cosmopolitan big city of Montreal. Some people are drawn to living in those regions of La Belle Province, while for others there’s no other place they’d rather be than Montreal.
Realtors there will have catering to those wishes as part of what they do for clients, and what those clients want is the best price on the perfect home in Quebec for them. Of if they’re selling a home in Quebec the aim is going to be get as much as possible for it and ideally see a family living there in the same way the homeowners had their family in the home.
Real estate lead generation in Quebec is important because of the demand for housing in the Province, and the only thing that exceeds the number of people looking to buy or sell a home in Quebec is the number of real estate agents pursuing them in hopes of securing them as clients. If you’re a new realtor anywhere in Canada you need to be doing everything you can to get real estate clients, and that’s just as true for Quebec. Montreal especially though, and that’s especially true if you’re hoping to work with first-time homebuyer clients looking to buy on the West Island.
There are so many of these types of agents looking to know more about lead generation strategies for realtors in Quebec. So with that understood this week’s blog entry is going to cover 7 strategies that are proven to work for getting the leads you need. Paid real estate leads like the service we provide here is always advisable, but there’s so much more to it. So here we go with putting you in the know and allowing you to start generating more Quebec real estate leads today.
Promote Flow
Real estate is always going to be a fast-moving world, and finding potential customers is forever going to be integral to any agent’s success. Leads don’t just fall into your lap 90+% of the time, and so the way you obtain them is by making the efforts to discover who are these people that are ready to make a move in the local real estate market.
Realtors do need to have that consistent flow of good leads, and these days they will be coming from both effective digital and traditional marketing methods. A mix of both is going to be needed if you’re going to grow a real estate business amidst all the challenges that come with that. Real estate agents often feel overwhelmed by all the different marketing options out there, but not to worry. Here’s where to start for real estate lead generation in Quebec.
Social Media Platforms
Some are better than others, but in general social media platforms are great for generating real estate leads. This is because they are where so many people spend most of their time being active with whatever interest it is they have. If that’s real estate they will be looking for it online for sure, and possibly indirectly through social media channels too.
When agents promote a listing and engage with followers on social media there’s a real boost to their visibility as a local realtor who is ready to work with both homebuyer and home seller clients. Done right it may mean that they start to see you as a local expert and if they’re ready to make that move then they may reach out to you and inquire if you will be their Montreal area realtor or one for any other city or town in Quebec.
The positive effects of all of this are enhanced when you can comment and exchange messages through these different social media platforms. The next recommendation is to pay for Facebook ads for realtors as they can be effectively published on social media platforms and allow for targeted approaches to those really in search of properties. Facebook is usually the consensus best choice as the people who have the means of buying homes or will be selling one often use Facebook more than any other platform.
But you should still go ahead and cross-promote on the other platforms too, and all the while focused on keeping your branding consistent. An active, optimized social media presence is invaluable for today’s real estate industry.
Events and Open Houses
Continuing with lead generation strategies for realtors in Quebec we put holding open houses and hosting or attending real-estate or community-related events as number 2 in our list of good approaches to getting leads. For a long time it has been regarded as one of the best means of building new real estate leads, and there is a lot of value in inviting past and future clients to an open house with the aim to having them see the listing plus the opportunity for you to inquire about any plans they might have to buy or sell.
These really are good opportunities to meet up with clients in person and establish a relationship. With practice and over time you will start to understand each of their tastes and what prerogatives they’re going to have with real estate sales or purchases. This in-person approach may help in fostering stronger relationships and a better understanding of how to best serve your clients.
Past Client Focus & Connection
A lot of realtors will really extol the value of focusing lead generation efforts on past clients and getting referrals that then increased the likelihood of getting high-quality leads. Past clients will often already have a favourable opinion of you, and most of the time they’ll be very open to working with you again OR recommending you to others they know who are ready to work with a real estate agent.
So do what it takes to maintain regular communication with past clients through newsletters, emails, or social media. Do it will and you will be making it so that your services remain top of mind for them. And then if you can offer incentives for any who might choose to be repeat clients and you will be further expanding your reach and potential customer base.
Have a Top Quality & SEO-Optimized Real Estate Agent Website
A website for a real estate agent may be attractive and filled with nice images of property but if it’s not SEO-optimized and updated regularly with content that is related to the local real estate market then it’s not going to be serving the agent’s business-growth interests in the way it could be. This is something that can’t be overlooked if you really are looking to start generating more Quebec real estate leads today.
Agents need to ensure their website content is consistently adding value to the visitor in property lead generation, and if you’re not capable with creating and posting informative content then it may well make sense to pay someone to do that for you. It will be an added real estate marketing expense, but with what it can do for making your website come up on the first page or search engine results when someone searches ‘Montreal realtor’ or ‘Quebec City real estate agent’ will make it worth it 500x over if it leads to you to converting a lead into a client and earning a commission.
It will be good if you can publish blog posts that dig deep into your recent transactions, and new listings available, and provide useful insights into market dynamics that are applicable to where you’re working as a realtor in Quebec. Share your advanced knowledge of focused, high-value content and over time it will lead to an increase in website visits and greater numbers of leads being generated through people who contact you via your real estate website.
Strategic Advertising
You will also do well to advertise your real estate business in strategic locations, and by strategic we mean locations where potential clients are actively searching for properties. Nothing is going to have the same level of importance if the aim is to reach the target audience where your foresee the greatest number of potential leads being found. Social media ads are often tops for that nowadays simply because of the sheer numbers of views they can provide your ad.
You may also want to think about running targeted social media ads to reach those interested in Quebec city real estate or for another location in the Province. You can also sponsor relevant podcasts, blogs, and YouTube channels that cater to individuals interested in real estate or home improvement. See if there’s Facebook groups related to the community too, and if it’s possible to have your FB realtors ads placed there too.
Consider platforms like NextDoor for this too, as it can help you reach local residents who may be interested in buying or selling in their area and be an equal component of real estate lead generation in Quebec.
Build a Strong Network
Every realtor should expect to have built a strong networks and SOI (sphere of influence) after having been in the business for many years. In order to do that they need to start building those networks right from day 1 when working as a real estate agent in Quebec. Make every effort and jump on every opportunity to connect with neighbors, attend local events, volunteer, send networking emails, or make contact with lead prospects by phone. Family and friends will always also be part of a realtor’s SOI and a potential source of home seller leads.
Networking is that much easier when you have:
- A professional website – this is resource #1 for representing your brand, and so you site needs to be polished and informative
- Ongoing engagement in the community – realtors can meet prospective client when they attend small business events, volunteer locally, and participate in career days at schools. You can and will be building relationships here.
- Stayed up to date on market trends in the real estate industry – Monitor statistics on inventory, days on the market, and sales volume to identify shifts and then create content for your website detailing what you feel clients will want to know. It’s also wise to rack interest rates, employment rates, and migration patterns as well.
Aim for More Personal Connections
Real estate differs from other industries in that cannot rely entirely on online interactions as part of lead generation strategies for realtors in Quebec. Personal connections and face-to-face meetings are always going to have so much more inherent value when it comes to making it possible that person chooses to work with you as their realtor in the future.
Your success often depends on building trust and strong relationships with clients through direct communication. Take advantage of the many digital and online resources you have to connect with these people, but make sure that you interpersonal communications as the most valuable of all of them.
You’ll want to find ways to make your lead generation process smoother without losing the personal connection that makes you stand out. This leads to us suggesting tools and methods that can help you manage your work more easily, and it goes without saying that NOTHING has the same potential here quite like a CRM (customer relationship manager) software suite for a real estate agent.
They can handle follow-ups automatically, plus utilize email templates that can save you time without losing that personal touch. Between all of this you can develop a lead generation strategy that is effective and long-lasting, and working for you at all times while you put your immediate focus on the day-to-day aspects of working as a real estate agent in Montreal or somewhere else in Quebec.
With regular effort and dedication, the strategies mentioned will help grow your real estate business and you can start now with one or two methods and then see how they work over the next few months before keeping them or discarding them and trying others. But the most important takeaway here is that you’ve got to be proactive with this at all times if your goal is to start generating more Quebec real estate leads today.