Real Estate Agents: 10 Creative Instagram Post Ideas to Boost Listings & Sales

Published August 13, 2024 by Real Estate Leads

Real Estate Agents: 10 Creative Instagram Post Ideas to Boost Listings & SalesYears ago it would have sounded absurd if someone would suggest real estate agents need to spend more time being active on social media in the interest of generating real estate leads. But nowadays no one will suggest there’s anything inaccurate about that, and most agents who are receptive to trends in real estate marketing are going to be quite active with their social media platforms. The reason being that is often where prospective clients glean information about real estate – and potentially which realtor will be best for them to work with.

So what we’re going to look at with this week’s entry here are real estate social media tips, and specifically Instagram post ideas for real estate. Some of you may be aware of the way that Instagram is the most visually-oriented of all the major social media platforms, and that lines up well with the prerogatives people have when evaluating real estate. That goes for both people wanting to sell a home as well as those who want to buy a home with the help of a realtor.

People put a lot of value on the seeing aspect of their evaluation, and thus the immense value in real estate Instagram strategy. For realtors who want to use Instagram for real estate there is of course going to be a need to get better with photography, but these days with the camera quality on smartphones you certainly don’t need any additional equipment to be able to do that. In some instances you may want to hire a photographer, but for Instagram you won’t need to if you’re at least reasonably capable with your smartphone camera.

It is entirely possible to boost real estate listings on Instagram, but another part of that and the one that will be more challenging than snapping the photos will be to write engaging text for those images. The type that will also be compelling enough to prompt the user to take your CTA (call to action) with contacting you if they’re ready to make a move in the local real estate market. Either selling or buying a home. We’ve got 10 real estate agent Instagram tips for you here, and each of them has been seen to boost listings and sales by profit and growth minded agents just like you.

Engaging Social Content Works

The reality for real estate agent wanting to boost their Instagram engagement and attract more potential clients is that it’s challenging to come up with new ideas for creating social content that is engaging to the extent it needs to be. This is why we’ve collected these 10 Instagram post ideas for real estate with the idea that they will help agents showcase their expertise, better engage and compel audiences that are ready for that engagement and compulsion, and then ultimately grow a real estate business.

Some of these real estate social media tips may also be cross-applicable to other platforms too, and Facebook most notably, but all of them are highlighted the way they are here because they are implicitly connected to the overtly visual nature of Instagram as a social media platform.

Let’s get into them.

Highlighting Local Charm

Real estate agents do well when they are able to highlight the unique charm of local attractions and businesses. You can really draw in potential clients when you do this well. An idea is to partner with local businesses or promote local events on your Instagram feed. This strategy is also going to be beneficial for certain interests in the local community plus also providing useful information to your followers so that the marketing power of your real estate Instagram posts are enhanced.

Good ideas are to pair bright, sharp, and quality images with helpful educational tips, features on good local businesses, and highlighting the best neighborhood amenities. You’ll also get more traction with your posts if you capture the beauty of local parks, restaurants, and monuments in eye-catching carousel posts, Reels, or TikTok posts. Realtors that are willing to go the extra mile with this can also considering collaborating with local business owners to create fun neighborhood guides and showcase recognizable features of the community.

This is just one way to Boost real estate listings on Instagram, and another possibility is to add personal touches to your Instagram posts to make them more engaging. Done right you can also be expressing your unique personality in a creative way if you share your own experiences at local events, or offer your own genuine perspective on how the neighbourhood has evolved over the years. Try to incorporate a personal flair into your content to captivate your audience

Work in personal touches and your realtor Instagram account can be turned into a valuable resource for real estate lead generation.

Create Captivating Property Showcases

These days there is no debating the fact that a key aspect of real estate marketing is creating appealing property showcases. There are few better ways to attract prospective buyers and highlight your listings and making them a part of your social media platforms like Instagram is very necessary for realtors now. Videos, photos, and virtual tours are perfect for creating incredible real estate Instagram posts that showcase your properties in the best light.

To stress the importance of this with real estate Instagram strategy, consider the estimate that around 73% of potential customers are more likely to choose to list their home with agents who use video. This goes back to the visual prerogative that buyers have nowadays, and it’s entirely because with the Internet the availability of video content is to such a great extent and people want to see as much of it as possible as they consider making an offer on a home for sale. Remember, homeowners are going to want there to be as much interest in their home as possible.

Here’s what you should be doing to create a captivating property showcase:

  1. Showcase successful virtual open houses and then complete the content by adding the story behind the sale to add a personal touch
  2. Clean and stage the property in advance of capturing high-quality photos and videos
  3. Advertise open houses and market listings on social media to attract potential buyers and maximize exposure.
  4. Use filters and features on social media marketing platforms to give more eye-catching appeal to these property showcases

Aim to showcase your expertise as a realtor in these Instagram content examples too. A good way to do that is with regular updates on your real estate Instagram account featuring appealing property showcases. This will likely reflect on your dedication to assisting clients in finding their dream home. There’s so much to gain from making your listings stand out and attracting more potential buyers through social media marketing and you should be approaching Instagram post ideas for real estate with all of this in mind.

Agent Insights & Tips

An Instagram account that is regularly putting up posts with great images but also content that shares useful insights and tips for buyers, sellers, and homeowners can better create the realtor as a fixture in that forum and as one of the ones who is a more knowledgeable professional in the real estate industry. Consider these real estate social media post ideas to help buyers make informed decisions:

  1. A downloadable ‘buyer’s package’ that is offered on your website
  2. Collections of tips for a wide range of buyers, for everyone from first-time homebuyers to investors
  3. Free home valuation assessments made available to any homeowner who’d like one

The focus for homeowners who are ready to sell will be different. For real estate agent Instagram tips here a proven-effective approach is to share tips on how homeowners can better set the price for their home realistically. Maybe also share what you know about getting professional pictures taken, along with any type of well-written and persuasive statements that demonstrate your ability as a real estate agent who better understands the needs that apply to all homeowners as they prepare to put their home on the market.

Create short videos answering frequently asked questions from clients too, and make it clear to say something along the lines of ‘these are what some of the many previous clients I’ve worked with have asked me repeatedly’. You may also want to share motivational quotes to inspire confidence. By imparting useful insights and tips on your Instagram account you will be assisting sellers in achieving their goals.

Your Instagram real estate posts can also cover what you know about helping homeowners maximize their home’s potential. This could be with everything from upgrading their furnace to be more energy-efficient to landscaping renovations that will put the property around the home more in line with what are the current tastes for landscaping around homes. Here’s an opportunity for you to recommend a local landscaper who you know and who’s business you are happy to promote.

This will not only will this provide valuable information to your audience, but it will also give them a glimpse into your personal life, making your real estate Instagram posts more engaging and relatable.

Engage Your Audience

Interacting with your audience on Instagram and other social media platforms has to be an integral part of what you do here. It is key to nurturing a robust connection with followers and establishing yourself as a bonafide local authority on real estate who is also up to speed and savvy with modern technology. Audiences become more engaged when you run contests, ask questions, and create interactive content like polls and quizzes on your Instagram Stories.

Strategies like these ones are sure to excite your followers and promote engagement from them. If they’re likely to buy or sell a home soon, it’s much more likely they will consider you as the realtor they are going to work with. Understanding your audience and crafting compelling content can maximize the impact of your social media accounts. But you must tailor your content to your target audience, along with making it likely that followers will respond positively.

Active interaction with your audience can foster solid relationships, keep engagement levels high, and draw in new clients. This has to be a forefront aim with real estate Instagram strategy. You need to be putting out good content regularly, so scheduling content in advance on your social media platform is a good ideas as it can help you stay connected with your followers while demanding less of your time.

It’s advisable to plan Instagram posts ahead of time, and seeing to it your posts have a balance of educational content, property showcases, and personal content. This approach will ensure a consistent and engaging presence on social media while allowing you to focus on other aspects of your real estate business.

Behind Scenes Glimpses

Offering behind-the-scenes glimpses of your daily life as a real estate agent may craft a more personal connection with your followers. Showcase pictures of you and your team that really emphasize the human element of helping others get into the homes that fit them and their lives best. You can also be celebrating successes and milestones.

It’s good to share engaging pictures and videos of team events or team-building exercises to create excitement and foster team spirit in your Instagram for real estate posts. If you are the head of a real estate team you can recognize and reward exceptional members by sharing their achievements and expressing your appreciation for how well they’ve contributed to the success of the real estate team. When your give your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your office life you are creating a more personal and relatable social media presence.

Showcasing Client Testimonials

The extent to which a realtor serves their clients with the level of expertise and professionalism is matched by the need for providing desired results with the buying or selling of a home. Meet their expectations there and you’ll be doing well with building a reputation as a real estate agent. This is not connected to real estate social media tips at all, but where this starts to move towards is the idea of taking testimonials from satisfied previous clients and working them into your social media content.

Client testimonials are extremely persuasive in convincing potential clients of your skills and success as a real estate agent. Showcasing the positive experiences and success stories of your current clients can emphasize your value to potential clients and contribute to the growth of your real estate business. So go ahead and highlight client success stories in your real estate Instagram posts. The more you showcase your clients’ satisfaction it becomes increasingly likely potential clients will trust your expertise.

A good idea for this is to create a design template with a few variations for your testimonial graphics. Schedule these graphics in bulk on your Instagram account, and then you’ll have a consistent and engaging presence that puts your commitment to client satisfaction on display in a very compelling way.

Educational Content for Followers

Real estate agents can also incorporate educational content on real estate topics, market trends, and industry news into their social media to educate and engage followers as part of real estate Instagram tips. Share local market statistics to keep existing clients informed and make it clear that part of the reason you’re doing this is to open up opportunities for future clients. You can also offer checklists to help potential buyers stay organized as they prepare to move to a new home.

Keep the free and helpful resources coming with future Instagram posts too. One common one that agents often use is a home values tool that can be used to assist clients in researching properties and making informed decisions. Sharing educational content can highlight your expertise and dedication to helping clients navigate the complexities of the real estate world.

Your content can also be tailored for educating followers about important aspects of home loans and other financial considerations related to homebuying and home ownership in general. This could be with sharing tips on checking credit history and upping down payments. This can be valuable information related to real estate too, and again what you are doing is incrementally establishing yourself as a knowledgeable resource for your audience. It’s quite likely that you’ll see more potential clients coming your way as you see a boost of real estate listings on Instagram.

Lifestyle Inspiration Posts

With lifestyle inspiration posts included in your real estate Instagram you can be helping clients visualize their dream home and lifestyle, and if you can do this effectively it means the homebuying interest it stimulates in them become a key gain you’ll see from your real estate Instagram marketing strategy. Share exciting home decor ideas, helpful gardening tips, and amazing local activities on your Instagram account and you can’t help but inspire at least some of your followers.

Here’s what you can be including:

  1. Attractive shots of interior inspirations
  2. The latest design trends
  3. Home makeover tips
  4. Remodeling photos where the after is SO much better than the before

Posts like this may well be motivating sellers and buyers to envision the potential of their own properties and how they may be enhancing them before they put them on the market. Incorporating lifestyle inspiration posts into your social media strategy can make it easier for clients to visualize their dream home and lifestyle.

You may also want to share home improvement projects with DIY ideas and helpful tips on organizing. This can be part of valuable lifestyle inspiration content on your Instagram account too.

Influencer Collaborations

Agents can also be broadening their reach and having a wider audience if they can establish ties with local social media influencers who are big on Instagram and have expertise and sway of influence with some subject that can be connected to real estate in some way. Benefits of partnering with local influencers may include really boosting your visibility and influence on social media as are a realtor, and especially if that influencer is highly regarded in their industry.

Work together with local influencers by offering incentives or collaborating on content that prospective clients are likely to connect to and then engage with it. Measure the success of collaborations by tracking the number of followers gained, engagement rate, and then social media platform conversions. Forming partnerships with local influencers can widen your reach, provide your followers with beneficial content, and enhance engagement.

Community Event Celebrations

You can also spotlight your involvement and dedication to the community by celebrating community events, festivals, and local milestones and this can also be a consideration for Instagram post ideas for real estate. When you are aware of upcoming events that you feel potential clients would be interested in then you can create a post on your real estate Instagram account where you make them aware of it. This not only demonstrates your dedication to supporting the local economy and fostering a sense of community, but it also highlights you as simply as a nice and caring person.

Discuss the organizations you support and the community service events you participate in on your social media accounts. By celebrating community events and sharing your involvement, you can showcase your local expertise and commitment to the community, ultimately growing your real estate business and attracting more potential clients.

These are a few of the way realtors can use Instagram to promote themselves and make social media increasingly a part of how their growing their PREC. By following these creative Instagram post ideas, it becomes possible to establish yourself as more of an expert with local real estate and build strong connections with your audience. When this happens consistently over time agents then usually start to see better real estate lead generation from social media.

It takes time to see real results, but being committed to doing this has the potential to really pay off. This should only be a very formative introduction to doing this, and you’re encouraged to dig deeper and discover other proven Instagram tips for real estate success.