Revolutionizing Real Estate: Unleashing the Power of Mobile for On-the-Go Lead Generation

Published November 20, 2023 by Real Estate Leads

Revolutionizing Real Estate: Unleashing the Power of Mobile for On-the-Go Lead Generation

It’s safe to say that nowadays eight times out of 10 when a person is looking at real estate agent’s site it is going to be through a mobile web browser device. It makes sense when you consider you definitely don’t need to be in front of a desktop or notebook to be on the Internet anymore, and many times the situation will be a prospective buyer or seller will see a realtor’s name on any type of promotional material and then google search with their smartphone to learn more about them. The importance of mobile websites has been talked about at length, but maybe not enough in these circles when it comes to online leads for real estate agents.

But those leads are always the topic of discussion around here, and so for that reason agents should know that the handheld dynamo they have in their pockets can be a good source of leads and just one of the many examples of the best way for real estate agents to get leads. We’ll still continue to champion our real estate lead generation system here at Real Estate Leads as the best way, but every realtor will do well to take a multi-prong approach to getting the leads they need to build a strong client base.

There are so many tactics and strategies that go into real estate lead generation for the purpose of attracting, engaging, and converting potential clients into qualified leads. They go well beyoond traditional marketing techniques and include the implementation of a compelling value proposition, attractive and well-designed mobile website, and landing page optimization. You will need to make changes to targeted advertising campaigns based on the increasing prominence of mobile web browsing that we talked about.

With tailoring a good portion of the digital marketing you do for online leads for real estate agents to be more geared towards mobile, you’ll get better results from your lead generation efforts. That will lead to a better sales funnel, and better growth and profitability for your real estate business

Know where to Meet Target Audience

The most successful real estate lead generation strategies begin with target audience research. After all, you can’t create criteria to qualify your leads without understanding your target audience and where are you most likely to have them see you in the world of mobile web browsing. You may have had leads dropping out of the funnels previously and not understood the reasons, and it may be that you weren’t communicating with them through preferred channels.

So the first option here in a discussion of the best way for real estate agents to get leads is to conduct interviews with significant members of your real estate audience, ones you have been in communication with previously. The focus will be what sort of motivations do they have when contacting someone who’s piqued their interest in real estate.

Create Customer Personas

With an understanding of that audience sectors’ pain points gained, you can then take the findings and combine them with relevant geographics, psychographics, and demographics to create a customer persona for online leads for real estate. Try to get very individual with your analysis, and along with traits that would be seen in all these kinds of buyers you can also look at where these types of buyers are best and more receptively contacted when you want to break the ice on real estate lead, or do a timely follow up on one.

Utilize Google Analytics

You can also gain a lot from learning more about your target audience and their mobile preferences by using Google Analytics. Among what can be gained here are overviews of customer’s online behavior, including how long a certain person spent at your website, where they found it, and which pages they interacted with. Anyone who spends a lot of time at your site and is interacting extensively with a page for a specific home for sale can be a warmer lead for you for sure.

Review What Competitors Do in the Space

You can also gain insight here by simply seeing how other realtors are putting together material they are aiming to use for mobile web exclusively as a means of drumming up real estate client leads. Take notes, and especially if you’re in any platform where you can see to what extent people are replying and interacting to the content – however it’s put together. It’s smart to do this alongside some simple market research where you can find trends that tie into what you’ve determined about the people most likely to become your new clients.

From here the next step and the last part of what we’ll cover in this entry. Your offers and they way you detail them to would-be clients will be different when you’re optimizing for mobile. Images will need to be formatted differently for starters, but the standard approaches will still be underpinning all of this. A captivating offer could involve a time-limited promotion that offers a discounted price or special financing alternatives for a specific property.

As always, trying to stir up any sense of urgency in replying is going to be good for whatever you come up with. And if these offers are going to be made available through your mobile optimized website for realtors it becomes immediately important to ensure that it features intuitive site navigation, full search functionality, smart social media integration, adaptable web design, and an extra-visible online contact that also has a line after submission that explains how you’re very happy to receive this from them.


Sign up for Real Estate Leads here and receive a monthly quota of qualified, online-generated buyer and / or seller leads that make up a dynamite way to supercharge your client prospecting efforts and one that comes highly recommended from realtors just like you all across Canada. Take advantage of the power of online marketing to fuel the growth of your PREC as a successful real estate agent.