Working While Social Isolating for Realtors: 5 Tips

Published April 7, 2020 by Real Estate Leads

Here we are into another week of the COVID-19 Pandemic turning life as we know it on it’s head here in Canada, and it’s true that those of us who are fortunate enough to have a job that allows us to work from home should be very glad to have such an advantage given that the mandated social isolation protocols. Now one of the things we’ve discussed is that it’s nearly impossible for there not to be a temporary slowdown in the real estate market, but it’s not going to be the precipitous decline some are projecting.

Realtors will still be working during this time, but of course it’s going to be very different not being out and about meeting clients and other professionals in the course of what’s in an average day for most of you. Nowadays you’re going to have no choice but to stay in and make a lot of your contacts digitally and conducting research online. Now you probably already do a large amount of your researching properties, building codes, etc etc online anyways, but it’s different when you have no choice but to do ALL of it this way.

Long story short, there’s a lot of realtors who are going to feel very ‘out of sorts’ as a result of all this, and then there’s the fact that prospecting new clients wasn’t ever simple to begin with. Now that there’s less of the pie to go around – however temporary that may be – it makes a whole lot of sense for new realtors in particular to get onboard with our online real estate lead generation service for Canada we have here at Real Estate Leads. It puts the power of Internet marketing to work to put you directly in touch with folks genuinely consider a move in the real estate market.

So here are some tips for realtors to work more effectively from home

  1. Get Your Heart Rate Up in the Morning

Getting regular exercise is going to be important for everyone who’s socially isolating to help flatten the curve in the global fight against coronavirus. Getting some mildly vigorous physical exercise in the morning – even if it’s just a few sets of jumping jacks – gets positive endorphins flowing in the body and will help you approach the day with even better energy, mental clarity and focus, and better abilities to be decisive about what’s best for your business

2. Put More into Social Media Marketing at this Time

The vast majority of clients you might have been meeting will be in the same stay-home boat that you are, and not surprisingly a whole lot of them will be using the Internet to look up what’s currently of interest to them. If that’s real estate listings and general news and the like then they’re going to be perfectly placed to be include by social media real estate marketing.

If this is something that’s not a strength of yours then now is a good time to take advantage of your additional time at home to get up to speed on what it takes to use all the different social media platforms available to promote your listings and your real estate services in general. The good thing is that there are plenty of free or inexpensive online tutorials that can show you the basics.

Take advantage of this time to improve your social media market capabilities

3. Work on Your Script

Well, that is provided you do have a script that you use to be an icebreaker of sorts when speaking with new prospective clients (which of course is something you’ll likely be doing more often if you sign up with Real Estate Leads) and introducing yourself. Now anyone can rehearse it and go over it to add certain emphasis to speech here and there, but here’s a totally different idea and something that’s easy to do.

You almost certainly have a smartphone, and nearly every smartphone will have a quick audio recording feature. Record yourself speaking your script in the same manner you would if you were on the phone. Listen to see if there’s any part where you can imagine yourself as the listener not being as receptive as with other parts.

From there, make some changes to it and then try it out on your wife, husband, partner, or dachshund.

4. Organize and De-Clutter Your Files

This can also be a good time to get into the mountains of files you may have and decide on what needs to stay and what needs to go. Considering most of these files will be in digital form it can be very good for devices to liberate all this hard drive space. It’s fairly common for people of ALL professions to be pretty lax about deleting stuff they’ve saved that they don’t need anymore.

At the same time you may find that by going through all of this stuff with an equivocal eye you end up turning over a few individuals or opportunities where it might be a good idea to revisit them in the interest of perhaps creating more business for yourself.

5. Compare Your Online Presence with Other Realtors

A successful realtor is always going to be a busy realtor with very little additional time to spare. This time may one of the few exceptions to that, so why not use it to compare your marketing materials with other realtors and see if you don’t pick up on a few things that might be working well for them that you’d like to try.

As far as websites go, if you see elements of another realtor’s site that you’d like to incorporate into yours then there’s very likely a LOT of digital graphics and website developers who’d love the work right now, and it’ll be an excellent investment in your business given how an impressive looking and super user-friendly website is a must for every realtor these days.

Sign up with Real Estate Leads here and receive a monthly quota of qualified, online generated buyer and / or seller leads that are only ever delivered to one person, and one person only – you. As the only realtor signed up for your specific region of any city or town in Canada, the only person who’ll receive these leads is you for as long as you maintain your subscription with Real Estate Leads. It’s a great way to supercharge your client prospecting efforts and it really is highly recommended for realtors who want to get ahead as quickly as possible.